Food eaten, cooked or thought about. Just food.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Not quite an Adriatic seafood supper

As the picture testifies our recent Croatian boat trip saw us eat a magnificent lunch of mackerel, freshly caught, with the heads hand fed to squawking sea gulls. I think we probably had four fish each - so tonight's two didn't look too greedy.
Four in a dish, well seasoned, a splash of olive oil, a finely chopped red onion, slices of lemon, and few sprigs of fresh thyme. A glug of apple juice is a suggestion in a Good Housekeeping recipe so it can't be wrong. Foiled and a hot oven for 30 minutes about.
I wanted a chunky salad: so pointed red Cambridgeshire cabbage - shredded, sliced mushrooms, more red onion, a tiny chilli, chunks of tomato. Tossed in best olive oil well seasoned and just before serving some shredded Cos lettuce folded in. I have found a trick for this sort of composed salads which is to mix everything 'dry' as it were before dressing. Somehow the flavours blend better than if you just give it a toss when dressing.
There was a fresh sourdough rye loaf to mop up juices and horseradish cream - made for us dieters with yoghourt, and non the worse for it.
I promised not to mention last night's takeout. Yuk.

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